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Категория:  Компьютеры и Интернет  | Автор:  IIG service | Опубликовано: 20.02.2018

GLENDALE, Calif. – December 18, 2017 – As of this past week, all IIG Software Enhancements for the Acumatica platform will now be known as Acuboost™. This will clearly distinguish IIG's brand from all others, giving their clientele piece of mind knowing the software enhancements they purchase are coming from a company with 25 years in the ERP and ISV industry.

In addition, IIG's clients can feel relaxed and comfortable in the knowledge that these products are coming directly from their full staff of in-house developers...rather than subcontracted programmers (which most ISVs use) whose work could easily come with bugs and functionality issues that might not be easily and/or quickly fixable. 

There will be numerous follow-ups to this announcement, accompanied not only by full documentation on each new Acuboost™, but also explainer videos for each and a new series of webinars to live demo each one in full. On top of that, IIG will be producing a new featured timeline that will be consistently updated with the release dates of all up and coming future Acuboost™ products.

Want to stay tuned for the latest Acumatica Acuboost™ product news and developments?

Email us at salesinfo@iigservices.com with your

Full Name, Company, and Contact Info

and we'll be sure to keep you up to date with all the latest.


IIG To Make WMS & MULTI-BIN Sage 100 Software Enhancements FREE OF CHARGE   GLENDALE, Calif. – December 18, 2017 – Information Integration Group (IIG) today announced that the company will be changing their pricing models for their WMS and Multi-bin Software Enhancements. Both will now be free of charge to companies looking to get quality WMS and Multi-bin upgrades for their Sage 100 system.   

To promote their decision to make this dramatic change, IIG is holding a special Webinar on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 11am PST (2pm EST) to not only announce it but also explain and go over the features of both as well as give live demos of each. Space is limited for this showcase webinar so guests wanting to attend are encouraged to register for it ASAP.  

Technology and System Networks are constantly evolving and at a rapid pace. Many of us need a team of experts to keep up with the ever-evolving changes and updates to maximize efficiency and overall growth of our business. The team at Information Integration Group (IIG) understands this well. Loaded with certified experts in their field, they possess the knowledge, experience (over 25 years in the industry), and adaptability to tailor their innovations to any company’s specific needs. For any questions, to claim the WMS and Multi-bin software enhancements for free, or to inquire about getting any custom Acumatica enhancements developed, please contact salesinfo@iigservices.com. 

To register for IIG’s Live Webinar Broadcast, go to:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2968867599842546947 https://www.iigservices.com/single-post/2017/12/18/IIG-To-Make-WMS-MULTI-BIN-Sage-100-Software-Enhancements-FREE-OF-CHARGE


December 7, 2017

Implementing the correct ERP solution for your business can not only be stressful, but extremely confusing and therefore, time-consuming. Here's a quick guide to follow, comprised of dog-memes, in order to relieve your worries and to make that transition a little less daunting. 

  1. Research & Discovery

 The first step in this process is going to take a little effort on your part. Take the time to first figure out what your company's needs are as far as the functionality you'll require in an ERP system. Once those points have been determined, do some research on your own as to what ERP solutions are available that fit with the majority of those needs (software enhancements to supplement your chosen ERP solution, such as the ones developed by IIG, can be available if it doesn't fit EVERY need). Lastly, make sure it's something you're comfortable with, not only as far as ease of use, but that will fit properly in your budget as well. Keep in mind, you can always refer to a consultant such as the ones at IIG to help you along with this process. The experts at IIG has been creating custom ERP solutions, tailor-made for our clients' needs, for over 25 years.

  1. Setting Up Your New System

 Okay, so you've finally figure out which one will work best for you. Now you'll have to have your new ERP solution installed, configured to the proper settings to fit your business's requirements, and have your company's internal data and information merged into it as well. This is a process that requires a series of meetings and discussions with your IIG rep in order to ensure everything is set up properly.

  1. Staff Training

Once installation is complete, you'll want to go over a series of strategy sessions to fully train you and your staff on the correct functionality of your new ERP system, as well as the quickest and most efficient methods to do so. Again, this is nothing to stress over as the staff at IIG are constantly and consistently training our clients (and have been for over 20 years) as well as keeping them up-to-date with the latest versions and most effective processes of their ERP system.

  1. Testing, Testing...1, 2

 After you and your staff have been fully trained, a final run-through of all ERP system functionality and connectivity are checked by IIG to ensure the entire transition goes smoothly and without a hitch. Rest assured, any hiccups or disruptions in any particular function or connectivity issue will be resolved in this phase by IIG's dedicated experts. This will have you and your staff fully prepared and confident moving forward so you can finally take the big step into taking your new ERP solution live!

  1. Launching Your New ERP Solution

 IIG's staff not only wants to make sure your company is fully trained and prepared for your transition into your new ERP system, but they'll work with you throughout the process of going live by answering any questions or concerns that might come up. Need help with a certain function? Forgot how to access a certain screen? Having an issue with the software? No need to worry. IIG will be with you every step of the way, ensuring not only your complete comfort and satisfaction in your new system, but also to make sure you'll be able grow and expand your business through it's added functionality and ease of use. After all, it's IIG's mission to ensure your added productivity translates into additional profitability!

  1. Continuous Maintenance, Help, and Support

 No company setting up a brand new ERP system as the solution to their current business's needs should be left to fend for themselves...especially after they spend so much time, money, and effort into researching, installing, learning, and adjusting to it. At IIG, you'll always have a dedicated staff to reach out to at any time for any issue that may arise. On top of that, IIG assists in ensuring you're always up to date with the current and latest versions of your software so down the line, you'll never be left feeling like you're stuck in the Stone Age. As an added perk, IIG will proactively keep you up to date with their latest software enhancement products as well as availability. They have an entire in-house development team constantly working on new and useful upgrade tools/software for your ERP system as they're always looking to improve its functionality for their clients. In addition, if you ever have any ideas to better your new system, the in-house development team is always available to create any custom software your company may require. IIG's dedicated experts are always available to help in any way they can to fully ensure your ERP needs and satisfaction. Reach out to them today for a 100% complimentary, no obligation, consultation.


(818) 956-3744



FAST SALES ENTRY: Acumatica Software Webinar - Dec. 15th

Join IIG on Friday, Dec. 15th, as we host a Webinar on our latest Acumatica Software...

Fast Sales Entry

We'll be demoing all of its functionality, including: 

• Ability to print sales receipts for processed transactions 
• Ability for quick entry of payment information 
• Allows for quick invoice entry by scanning items and auto incrementing of quantity sold 
• Cash Drawer Reconciliation - cash drawer open and close and balance management 

To Reserve your Spot,


For more than 25 years, Information Integration Group, Inc. (IIG) has been an industry leader in providing and tailoring ERP solutions to a wide range of industries from small to medium size companies ranging from five to over one hundred users.
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